The Regulars
A New British Comedy

Set in London’s iconic Prince Charles Cinema, The Regulars follows a day in the life of its hapless employees. During their shift they watch movies, argue with customers, and, above all, deal with each other.

Directed By

Fil Freitas




Fil Freitas, Dusty Keeney, Ricardo Freitas, Lauren Shotton, Kevin Johnson, Sergio Barba, Bronte Appleby, Lisa Marie Flowers, Rob Smith, Jonathan Foster, Bo Keeney, Ed Mannion

On the edge of Chinatown stands the only independent cinema left in Central London. Grey and black, dotted with poster frames, and lit by an overhanging readograph, its presence is tucked away from the other, brighter multiplexes of Leicester Square. There, within its small interior, a team of ushers push through the day.

Based on the real-life experiences and stories from those that work at the Prince Charles Cinema, Fil Freitas - a former usher turned manager himself - has put together a feature length comedy drama that explores life behind the counter.